
Version History

What is the latest build of ProMaps.

The build number for your copy of ProMaps can be found on the bottom edge of the home screen or in the field Interface::BuildNumberCalc.

The latest build of ProMaps is Build 1.055 (June 23, 2019) This build fixes an issue with the street-view and zoom button labels showing offset in the map views. It also adds support for FileMaker 18 version specific FMP URLs (will also work with future versions).

Implementing the changes

Here are the calculated variables used in these first two changes that can be copied and pasted into the calculations:

//Use version specific FMP URLs when possible
sc_appVersion = Left ( Floor ( GetAsNumber ( Get ( ApplicationVersion ) ) ) ; 2 ) ;
sc_fmpProtocol = Case ( sc_appVersion ≥ 18; "fmp" & sc_appVersion & "://" ; "fmp://" ) ;

Script changes

On line 34 of the "Export Map HTML" script, add the lines highlighted in the screenshot below to the "Set Field [MapSettings::HTMLExportGlob…" step:

gm_MapData calculation

Add the lines highlighted in the screenshot below to the gm_MapData calculation in your properties table:

Also in the gm_MapData calculation, update the popover links (3 of them by default) changing fmp:// to " & sc_fmpProtocol & " (shown in the screenshot here):

HTML Templates

Using a layout based on the MapSettings table (ProMaps Setup for example), go into layout mode and add the "MapDataTemplate" and "RouteDataTemplate" fields to the layout.

If you have not made any custom modifications to either of these fields, you can download and extract the updated HTML template files here, open each of the files with a text editor, such as Atom or VSCode, copy the contents, and paste them into the matching field in ProMaps

If you have made changes to your MapDataTemplate or RouteDataTemplate fields, you'll need to make the following changes manually:

In MapDataTemplate, find the following line (around line 30)

#map-canvas img {

And change it to:

#map-canvas .gm-style-iw img {

Near lines 427, 476, and 635, you'll find lines that start with:


Change fmp:// to [[fmpProtocol]] on each of those lines to use the version specific FMP URL protocol where applicable.

In RouteDataTemplate, you'll just need to find the line (around line 30)

#map-canvas img {

And change it to:

#map-canvas .gm-style-iw img {

Click the "Apply Settings To Map" button, or run the "Upon Opening" script to save the changes and reload ProMaps.

Build 1.054 (September 28, 2018) This fixed an issue where the GeoCoding scripts were not functioning correctly after the Google Maps API billing requirements were enacted.

You can make this change in your copy by going to File -> Manage -> Database, editing the MapSettings::GoogleAPIKey field, and selecting the "Use global storage" option under the Storage tab. This will allow the GeoCoding scripts to use the API key when querying Google's servers.

After saving this change, you'll need to re-enter your Google API key in the ProMaps General Settings and click the "Apply Settings to Map" button.

Build 1.053 (April 28, 2017) This fixed an issue where the in-map buttons wouldn't fire scripts in FileMaker 16 (by enabling the fmurlscript extended privilege as described at the top of the page here).

This also changed two scripts to restore compatibility with MacOS Sierra. You can make this change in your copy by modifying the last line in two scripts to add an additional forward-slash (/) to the url calculation:

In the "Export Map HTML" script, find the "Set Variable [$$sc_MapURL" statement. In the "Export Route HTML" script, find the "Set Variable [$$sc_MapRouteURL" statement and change this line in the value:
Substitute(sc_filepath ; "file:/" & sc_root & "/" ; "file:///")
to this:
Substitute(sc_filepath ; "file://" & sc_root & "/" ; "file:///")
Run the "Upon Opening ProMaps" script and your map should appear correctly.

Build 1.052 (September 13, 2016) This added some CSS to suppress a irrelevant browser warning on some Windows machines. If you'd like to make this change in your copy, instructions are at the end of the page in Troubleshooting.

Build 1.05 (August 15, 2016) This is a major new build which introduced a new interface, constrain options, and routing to the map.

If you're upgrading from an older version, you'll find discounted upgrade pricing here. The changes from our old version are too numerous to make line-by-line in your file: every layout, and nearly every script, has changed. So the best way to upgrade is to integrate this new file from scratch: there are fewer layouts in this new version so it won't take as long as with the last one.

A couple tips:

• Don't delete your Home, Properties Map, Properties List, or Properties Details layouts: keep the layout, just delete their contents. You'll add new layout contents and script triggers as part of the integration instructions.
• Delete all your ProMaps scripts and fields: you'll reimport them from the new file.
• Don't delete your value lists. You'll be adding a couple more but can reuse some of the ones you have.

The history and documentation for earlier versions can be found here.

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