
Integration 3 Of 4

GoZync4.Integration3Of4 History

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March 08, 2014, at 12:54 AM by -
Changed line 13 from:
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and paste tables, we're happy to do this step for you. Send your mobile file to [email protected] or if it's too big to email.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and paste tables, we're happy to do this step for you. Send your mobile file to [email protected] or get in touch if it's too big to email.
March 08, 2014, at 12:53 AM by -
Changed line 13 from:
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and paste tables, you can import the gz table into your file; starting in your mobile file, click "import" in the lower right of the Tables tab of File / Manage / Database.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and paste tables, we're happy to do this step for you. Send your mobile file to [email protected] or if it's too big to email.
Changed line 50 from:

- Be sure that the example file you're copying from is in the same folder as your mobile file and GoZyncMobile.fmp12

Be sure that the example file you're copying from is in the same folder as your mobile file and GoZyncMobile.fmp12
Changed lines 35-36 from:




July 04, 2013, at 12:58 AM by -
Added lines 56-60:
Note that the script "Zync It - This Table..." will be one of your go-to scripts for sync. You can call it without a script parameter if the Table Occurrence (TO) name of the layout you call it from matched the name of one of your sync TOs in GoZyncMobile (without the gz... prefix). Otherwise pass in the TO name from GoZyncMobile as a script parameter. Example:
Your TO in GoZyncMobile is "gzm_Contact" but the layout in your mobile file is based on a TO named "People". Call the script "Zync It - This Table..." passing in a parameter of "Contact". You wouldn't need a parameter if the layout in your mobile file were based on a TO named "Contact".
July 01, 2013, at 08:56 PM by -
Changed lines 88-89 from:

Check you work


Check your work

July 01, 2013, at 03:00 AM by -
Deleted line 43:
Changed lines 58-59 from:
There is one script to edit in GoZyncMobile. Learn what needs to be changed here:
There is one script to edit in GoZyncMobile. Learn what needs to be changed here: Set Up Go To Related Records.
July 01, 2013, at 02:59 AM by -
Changed lines 57-58 from:

Step 3.4: UUIDs


Step 3.4: Edit the Go To Related Records Script in GoZyncMobile

There is one script to edit in GoZyncMobile. Learn what needs to be changed here:

Step 3.5: UUIDs

July 01, 2013, at 02:57 AM by -
Changed lines 85-91 from:

Checking Your Work

Scan and Validate

Click "Refresh..." at the bottom of the screen to check your work..

Visit the "Fields & Scripts" tab of the Integration wizard in GZH. When everything checks out green you can move on to The Relationships Tab: Step 4 of 4.

Check you work

Head over to GoZyncHosted and visit the Configuration tab again: click "refresh" and see if your fields check out. If they don't, click on the caution icon beside them to see what's wrong.

Now click on the checkbox area in the "more" column: if you've done everything there click "done".


Move on to the next step.

Now you can move on to the last step. Continue to step 4 of 4
Or return to the Integration Overview.
July 01, 2013, at 02:54 AM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:

Step 6.1: Adding a new table to your mobile file


Step 3.1: Adding a new table to your mobile file

Changed lines 15-16 from:

Step 6.2: Add required fields


Step 3.2: Add required fields

Changed lines 21-22 from:
If you don't have Advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any). Or get in touch and we can wire this up for you.
If you don't have Advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any). Or get in touch; we offer implementation packages to wire this up for you.
Deleted lines 39-40:
NOTE: A table in your mobile file that will only be synced as related records *technically* only needs the "gz_ModTimeStamp" field. But for simplicity and flexibility, we advise that you add all four fields into every table in your mobile file that you want to sync.
Changed lines 42-49 from:
If your sync layout has related fields or portals on it, take a moment to read about how GoZync considers a record "changed" as you may need to add some some scripts so changes to related records still trigger a record to sync.

A note about field names.

The following characters are prohibited in field names when syncing: #, !, •, ., / Please remove them from any field names in your synced tables. Also make sure no field names contain the word "and".

Step 6.3: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)

If the table you're syncing is the parent to related records, take a moment to read about how GoZync considers a record "changed" as you may need to add some some scripts so changes to related records still trigger a record to sync.

Step 3.3: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)

Changed lines 57-58 from:

Step 7: UUIDs


Step 3.4: UUIDs

Changed lines 65-66 from:
If you're already down with UUIDs, create your primary keys as Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..."
If you're already down with UUIDs, change your primary keys to Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..."
April 15, 2013, at 01:49 PM by -
Changed lines 48-49 from:
The following characters are prohibited in field names when syncing: #, !, • Please remove them from any field names in your synced tables.
The following characters are prohibited in field names when syncing: #, !, •, ., / Please remove them from any field names in your synced tables. Also make sure no field names contain the word "and".
March 25, 2013, at 01:43 AM by -
Changed line 33 from:
gz_ModTimeStamp \\
March 25, 2013, at 01:43 AM by -
Changed lines 27-28 from:
The hosted tables only require a single new field named "gz_ModTimeStamp". Copy this field from QuickContactHosted.fmp12
The hosted tables only require a single new field named "gz_ModTimeStamp". Copy this field from QuickContactHosted.fmp12.
Changed lines 31-32 from:
Your mobile tables require one GoZync field as well. The same one:
Your mobile tables require four GoZync fields:
Changed lines 34-37 from:
AND, if the table is your "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) then you need three additional fields:
gz_Send \\

gz_Send \\

Changed lines 38-39 from:
Copy these from QuicContact.fmp12 (our mobile example file). None of these fields require any modification after being pasted in.
Copy these from QuickContact.fmp12 (our mobile example file). None of these fields will require any modification after being pasted in.
NOTE: A table in your mobile file that will only be synced as related records *technically* only needs the "gz_ModTimeStamp" field. But for simplicity and flexibility, we advise that you add all four fields into every table in your mobile file that you want to sync.
March 21, 2013, at 02:02 PM by -
Changed lines 35-36 from:
AND, if the table is your "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) them you need three additional fields:
AND, if the table is your "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) then you need three additional fields:
March 21, 2013, at 02:00 PM by -
Changed lines 35-36 from:
AND, if the table is you're "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) them you need three additional fields:
AND, if the table is your "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) them you need three additional fields:
March 15, 2013, at 08:19 PM by -
Changed lines 89-90 from:
Be sure to do this in both your mobile and hosted files.
Be sure to do this in both your mobile and hosted files. And if you're creating these fields just for sync, be sure they're indexed (in field options, click storage and either check "Automatically create indexes...")
March 12, 2013, at 09:21 PM by -
Added lines 23-24:
And while you need these fields in your tables, you DON'T want them on your sync layouts.
December 19, 2012, at 11:31 PM by cm - minor edits and clarifications
Changed lines 5-6 from:

You'll also paste in a folder of scripts; like the fields, most of these come in without requiring any modification. There is one script you'll want to change; more on that below.


You'll also paste in a folder of scripts. Like the fields, most of these come in without requiring any modification. There is one script you'll want to change: more on that below.

Changed lines 11-14 from:
Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like QuickContact) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. And you don't need to do this in your hosted file.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and past tables, you can import the gz table into your file; starting in your mobile file, click "import" in the lower right of the Tables tab of File / Manage / Database.
Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like QuickContact) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. You do not need to do this in your hosted file.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and paste tables, you can import the gz table into your file; starting in your mobile file, click "import" in the lower right of the Tables tab of File / Manage / Database.
Changed lines 21-22 from:
If you don't have advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any). Or get in touch and we can wire this up for you.
If you don't have Advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any). Or get in touch and we can wire this up for you.
Changed lines 65-66 from:
Each table you're going to zync, both on the mobile and hosted side needs it's primary keys converted to UUIDs.
Each table you're going to Zync, both on the mobile and hosted side needs its primary keys converted to UUIDs.
November 11, 2012, at 09:41 PM by -
Added lines 41-44:

Modification of related records.

If your sync layout has related fields or portals on it, take a moment to read about how GoZync considers a record "changed" as you may need to add some some scripts so changes to related records still trigger a record to sync.
November 11, 2012, at 07:06 PM by -
Added lines 85-86:

Checking Your Work

November 11, 2012, at 07:03 PM by -
Changed line 89 from:
Visit the "Fields & Scripts" tab of the Integration wizard in GZH. When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
Visit the "Fields & Scripts" tab of the Integration wizard in GZH. When everything checks out green you can move on to The Relationships Tab: Step 4 of 4.
November 11, 2012, at 07:00 PM by -
Changed line 89 from:
Visi the "Fields & Scripts" tab of the Integration wizard in GZH. When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
Visit the "Fields & Scripts" tab of the Integration wizard in GZH. When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
November 11, 2012, at 06:59 PM by -
Changed line 89 from:
When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
Visi the "Fields & Scripts" tab of the Integration wizard in GZH. When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
November 11, 2012, at 06:58 PM by -
Changed lines 65-66 from:
If you're already down with UUIDs, create your primary keys as Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..." Your auto enter definition should look like this:
If you're already down with UUIDs, create your primary keys as Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..."
Take your existing ID field and...
1. Turn it into a text field (you may have had it as a number originally).
2. Add an auto-enter calc. Click "Options" and then "Specify" next to "Calculated value". Enter the following as the calc definition:
Get ( UUID )
Your calc should look like this:


3. Set it to not be modifiable. Click "OK" on the screen above and make sure your auto-enter options are set like this:
November 11, 2012, at 06:56 PM by -
Changed lines 65-66 from:
If you're already down with UUIDs, create your primary keys as Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..."
If you're already down with UUIDs, create your primary keys as Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..." Your auto enter definition should look like this:


Be sure to do this in both your mobile and hosted files.
November 11, 2012, at 06:55 PM by -
Changed lines 39-40 from:
Copy these from QuicContact.fmp12 (our mobile example file).
Copy these from QuicContact.fmp12 (our mobile example file). None of these fields require any modification after being pasted in.
Changed lines 49-50 from:
Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like QuickContact) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync".
Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like QuickContact.fmp12) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync".
November 11, 2012, at 06:52 PM by -
Changed lines 25-26 from:
The hosted tables only require a single new field named "gz_ModTimeStamp".
The hosted tables only require a single new field named "gz_ModTimeStamp". Copy this field from QuickContactHosted.fmp12
Added lines 39-40:
Copy these from QuicContact.fmp12 (our mobile example file).
November 10, 2012, at 04:41 PM by -
Changed lines 39-42 from:

A note about field names.

The following characters are prohibited in field names when syncing: #, !, • Please remove them from any field names in your synced tables.
August 09, 2012, at 04:37 AM by -
Changed lines 11-12 from:
Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. And you don't need to do this in your hosted file.
Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like QuickContact) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. And you don't need to do this in your hosted file.
Changed lines 44-45 from:
Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync".
Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like QuickContact) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync".
July 11, 2012, at 03:36 PM by -
Changed lines 7-8 from:

Step 6: Add required fields


Step 6.1: Adding a new table to your mobile file

Pasting in the gz table.

Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. And you don't need to do this in your hosted file.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and past tables, you can import the gz table into your file; starting in your mobile file, click "import" in the lower right of the Tables tab of File / Manage / Database.

Step 6.2: Add required fields

Changed lines 39-48 from:

Step 6.1: Adding a new table to your mobile file

Pasting in the gz table.

Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. And you don't need to do this in your hosted file.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and past tables, you can import the gz table into your file; starting in your mobile file, click "import" in the lower right of the Tables tab of File / Manage / Database.

Step 6.2: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)


Step 6.3: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)

July 08, 2012, at 06:20 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:

You'll also paste in a folder of scripts; like the fields, these come in without requiring any modification.


You'll also paste in a folder of scripts; like the fields, most of these come in without requiring any modification. There is one script you'll want to change; more on that below.

Added lines 49-50:
You only need to edit one of these scripts, "Zync - Is a new version permitted". Toward the beginning of that script we go to a layout based on the primary TO you're syncing. Edit the script so you're going to the right layout. You can return to this script later to add additional branches for other TOs you may be syncing in the same file.
July 07, 2012, at 08:21 PM by -
Changed lines 53-54 from:
Each table you're going to zync, both on the mobile and hosted side needs it's primary keys? converted to UUIDs.
Each table you're going to zync, both on the mobile and hosted side needs it's primary keys converted to UUIDs.
July 07, 2012, at 08:21 PM by -
Changed lines 51-52 from:

inlcude a page on UUIDs?


Convert your primary keys to UUIDs.

Each table you're going to zync, both on the mobile and hosted side needs it's primary keys? converted to UUIDs.
For more on the rationale here and details on what UUIDs are, read our article on UUIDs.
If you're already down with UUIDs, create your primary keys as Text fields with an auto-enter calc of Get(UUID). Uncheck "Do not replace existing value..." and check "Prohibit modification..."
July 07, 2012, at 08:04 PM by -
Changed lines 43-48 from:
Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync". Copy that folder and paste it into your mobile file. (You don't need to add these to your hosted file.)
If example file is in same relation to GZM, file reference will be right.
Scripts come in without mods.
Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync".

- Be sure that the example file you're copying from is in the same folder as your mobile file and GoZyncMobile.fmp12

Then copy that folder and paste it into your mobile file. (You don't need to add these to your hosted file.) If you don't have FileMaker Advanced you can import the folder of scripts by clicking the "import" icon in the lower right of the Manage Scripts window in your mobile file.
July 07, 2012, at 08:01 PM by -
July 07, 2012, at 08:01 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:

You'll also bring in a folder of scripts; like the fields, these come in without requiring any modification.


You'll also paste in a folder of scripts; like the fields, these come in without requiring any modification.

Changed lines 35-36 from:
Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records.
Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records. And you don't need to do this in your hosted file.
Changed lines 41-44 from:
Pasting in scripts.
Copy from example file.

Pasting in scripts.

Again, open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and in scripts you'll see a folder called "GoZync". Copy that folder and paste it into your mobile file. (You don't need to add these to your hosted file.)
July 07, 2012, at 07:48 PM by -
Added lines 5-6:

You'll also bring in a folder of scripts; like the fields, these come in without requiring any modification.

July 07, 2012, at 07:47 PM by -
Changed lines 31-34 from:
Pasting in the gz table.

Pasting in the gz table.

Open one of GoZync sample mobile files (like InvoicesMobile) and copy the gz table, pasting it into your mobile file. The table requires no modification and no records.
If you don't have FileMaker Advanced, and can't copy and past tables, you can import the gz table into your file; starting in your mobile file, click "import" in the lower right of the Tables tab of File / Manage / Database.
July 07, 2012, at 07:41 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:

Some comments


GoZync just needs a couple of fields in your tables. Please add these fields exactly as they are in our sample files and don't change their names.

Changed lines 11-12 from:
If you don't have advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any).
If you don't have advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any). Or get in touch and we can wire this up for you.
Changed lines 23-24 from:
AND, if the table is you're "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) them you need three additional fields:
AND, if the table is you're "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) them you need three additional fields:
July 06, 2012, at 04:29 AM by -
Changed line 53 from:
When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
July 06, 2012, at 04:27 AM by -
Changed line 53 from:
When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 3 of 4.
When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 4 of 4.
July 06, 2012, at 04:14 AM by -
Added lines 48-53:

Scan and Validate

Click "Refresh..." at the bottom of the screen to check your work..

When everything checks out green you can move on to Step 3 of 4.
July 06, 2012, at 04:12 AM by -
Deleted line 44:
July 06, 2012, at 04:04 AM by -
July 06, 2012, at 03:35 AM by -
Changed lines 3-6 from:

You may have nothing to do on this tab and arrive to it already with a green checkbox at the top of the screen. In particular, if the layout you chose on the previous screen doesn't have any related fields on it, then there is nothing to do here and you can move on to Step 3 of 4.

But if you do have related fields on your layout, GoZync will pick them up and create additional table occurrence rows for them: each of which needs a table occurrence and a blank layout added to GoZyncHosted (GZH) and to GoZyncMobile (GZM).


Some comments

Changed lines 29-30 from:

Step 6.1: Adding a new table to mobile


Step 6.1: Adding a new table to your mobile file

July 06, 2012, at 03:34 AM by -
Changed lines 1-7 from:

Related Fields and Scripts

Step 6: Add required fields

You'll need to add a couple fields to your tables to get GoZync to work. The fields are listed below. If you have FileMaker Advanced you can simply copy and paste these fields from one of GoZync's example files (be sure to copy the hosted fields from the hosted example file, the mobile ones from mobile).

Background: Pasting in Fields and Scripts

You may have nothing to do on this tab and arrive to it already with a green checkbox at the top of the screen. In particular, if the layout you chose on the previous screen doesn't have any related fields on it, then there is nothing to do here and you can move on to Step 3 of 4.

But if you do have related fields on your layout, GoZync will pick them up and create additional table occurrence rows for them: each of which needs a table occurrence and a blank layout added to GoZyncHosted (GZH) and to GoZyncMobile (GZM).

Step 6: Add required fields

You'll need to add a couple fields to your tables to get GoZync to work.

The fields are listed below. If you have FileMaker Advanced you can simply copy and paste these fields from one of GoZync's example files (be sure to copy the hosted fields from the hosted example file, the mobile ones from mobile).
Changed lines 31-32 from:

Step 6.1: Adding a new table to mobile


Step 6.1: Adding a new table to mobile

Changed lines 37-38 from:

Step 6.2: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)


Step 6.2: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)

Changed lines 48-49 from:

Step 7: UUIDs


Step 7: UUIDs

June 24, 2012, at 06:00 PM by -
June 24, 2012, at 05:28 PM by -
Changed lines 36-39 from:
Copy from example file.
If example file is in same relation to GZM, file reference will be right.
Scripts come in without mods.
June 24, 2012, at 04:13 PM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:

Step 6: Adding a new table to mobile


Step 6.1: Adding a new table to mobile

Changed lines 32-33 from:

Step 6: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)


Step 6.2: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)

June 24, 2012, at 04:12 PM by -
June 24, 2012, at 04:08 PM by -
Changed lines 26-29 from:

Step 6: Adding the gz table to mobile

Pasting in a new table.

Step 6: Adding a new table to mobile

Pasting in the gz table.
June 24, 2012, at 04:07 PM by -
Added lines 26-31:

Step 6: Adding the gz table to mobile

Pasting in a new table.
Deleted lines 33-36:
Creating the gz table in mobile.
June 24, 2012, at 04:06 PM by -
Changed lines 28-30 from:
Creating the gz table in mobile.
Pasting in scripts.
June 24, 2012, at 03:49 PM by -
Added lines 26-30:

Step 6: Required Scripts (Mobile file only)

June 24, 2012, at 03:48 PM by -
June 24, 2012, at 03:48 PM by -
June 24, 2012, at 03:48 PM by -
Added line 3:
June 24, 2012, at 03:48 PM by -
Changed line 2 from:


June 24, 2012, at 03:48 PM by -
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Tab 3 of 4: Related Fields and Scripts

!!Step 6: Add required fields


Related Fields and Scripts

Step 6: Add required fields

Changed lines 25-26 from:

!!Step 7: UUIDs


Step 7: UUIDs

June 24, 2012, at 03:47 PM by -
Changed lines 3-4 from:

!! Step 6: Add required fields


!!Step 6: Add required fields

Changed lines 25-26 from:

!! Step 7: UUIDs


!!Step 7: UUIDs

June 24, 2012, at 03:47 PM by -
Changed lines 1-4 from:

Hi again

Step 6: Add required fields


Tab 3 of 4: Related Fields and Scripts

!! Step 6: Add required fields

Changed lines 25-26 from:

Step 7: UUIDs


!! Step 7: UUIDs

June 24, 2012, at 03:16 PM by -
Changed lines 17-18 from:
Changed line 21 from:
gz_Send \\
gz_Send \\
June 24, 2012, at 03:16 PM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:
Your mobile tables require one GoZync field as well. The same one: "gz_ModTimeStamp".
Your mobile tables require one GoZync field as well. The same one:
June 24, 2012, at 03:15 PM by -
Changed lines 15-17 from:
Your mobile tables require four GoZync fields:
Your mobile tables require one GoZync field as well. The same one: "gz_ModTimeStamp".
AND, if the table is you're "primary table" for an entity (like the invoice table in invoices) them you need three additional fields:
June 24, 2012, at 03:11 PM by -
Changed lines 13-14 from:
Your mobile tables require four GoZync fields:
June 24, 2012, at 02:49 PM by -
Changed lines 15-16 from:

Step 7: UUIDs


Step 7: UUIDs

June 24, 2012, at 02:38 PM by -
Added lines 12-17:

Step 7: UUIDs

inlcude a page on UUIDs?

June 24, 2012, at 02:35 PM by -
Added lines 1-11:

Hi again

Step 6: Add required fields

You'll need to add a couple fields to your tables to get GoZync to work. The fields are listed below. If you have FileMaker Advanced you can simply copy and paste these fields from one of GoZync's example files (be sure to copy the hosted fields from the hosted example file, the mobile ones from mobile).
If you don't have advanced, just recreate the fields in your table, paying special attention to the field's type and auto-enter definition (if any).
The hosted tables only require a single new field named "gz_ModTimeStamp".
[email protected]
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