
Quick Start

Getting up to Speed with SeedCode

The following notes should help you jump in and be more productive with the calendar...

Moving Around

Use the tabs like “Day”, “Week” etc. at the top of the screen to move to the different sections of the software. If you want to get to a layout in layout mode, run the Show Status Area script from ScriptMaker and then enter layout mode to find the layout you’re interested in.

Here are a few other hints for getting around...

Back & Fwd. The back and forward buttons in the upper left corner of the screen act just like those on a web browser, taking you back to the last visited tab on previous layouts you visited.
Shortcuts. Read the shortcuts section in Settings / Documentation for a complete list of the shortcuts available. For now, just know that you can quickly create a new activity for the current day by shift-clicking on the “Calendar” tab from any screen.
Green Arrows: These buttons will take you to whatever they point at. So on the Appointment detail screen, clicking the green arrow beside a contact’s name will take you to that contact’s record.

Current Date

We left the calendar in 2003 because that’s where the sample data is. To have the calendar always open to the current date, navigate to the the Settings tab and set “Select Current Date on Start Up” to “Yes”.


To add your own list of Users to the calendar and switch the color coded types to your own categories, visit the “Users” and “types & Colors” section of the Settings tab.

Sample Data

You’ll find some sample data in the calendar for July of 2003 so you can experiment with the calendar without having to bang in a ton of information. Once you’re ready to get rid of the sample data, read the “Sample Data” section of this documentation for instructions on deleting those sample records.


Most layouts have a “Print” button along the bottom edge of the screen. Using these buttons will give you better results than just selecting “Print...” from the file menu as in most cases we have special layouts optimized for printing.

Making Changes

SeedCode is designed to be modified, so don’t be shy. If you find something you can’t change it is likely because we’ve locked the layout object to prevent it from being accidentally nudged; highlight the object in layout mode and then select “Unlock” from FileMaker’s “Arrange” menu.

Getting Help

You can find lots of documentation right here. Click the question mark in the upper right of any screen to arrive at the documentation Topic List (or click the “Topic List” tab on this mini window). You can edit and add to this documentation on the Documentation section of the Settings tab if you’d like to amplify this content for your users. You can also find a version of this same documentation online at

Finally you can find all sorts of tips, questions and answers on our support forums at

Finally, feel free to call or email with questions. You can find our contact information on the Contact Us section of the Settings tab or call (206) 715-2126.


- John Sindelar

[email protected]
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