
Version History

What is the latest version of CC Calendar SE?

_The version number for your copy of CC Calendar can be found at the bottom of the About tab._

Latest Version The latest version is 2.62 (8/1/06) This version simply changed the product logo and "contact us" information from Cleveland Consulting, Inc. to SeedCode.

Version 2.61 (1/4/06) This version removed a stray table occurrence left over from our 2.6 revision. It also redefined the calcs in the CCCalAppts table to be based on AppointmentsDaily instead of CCCalAppts.

Version 2.6 (12/4/05) This version rebuilt the appointments table and fixed a minor bug in repeating events where, in some cases, the first repetition was entered twice. This was fixed in the Pro calendar some time ago, but was missed in the Scheduling Edition. Instructions for fixing the bug in your copy can be found here:

Version 2.5 Version 2.5 introduced alternate versions of the Scheduling tab that incorporate some of the speed suggestions to be found in the calendar's FAQ (10/7/2005).

Version 2.4 This version introduced some changes to the thin (11 hour) scale so that it would display properly in FileMaker 8 (9/14/2005).

Version 2.2 Version 2.2 was our inaugural release of 5/9/2005.

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