
Demoing GoZync

GoZync5.DemoGoZync History

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June 10, 2014, at 10:17 PM by -
Changed line 5 from:
The ProZync Demo lets you sync 5 table occurrences with up to 10 mobile devices for two weeks. You may sync up to 50 fields per table.
The ProZync Demo lets you go beyond our free version and try "Pro",  syncing 5 table occurrences with up to 10 mobile devices for two weeks. You may sync up to 50 fields per table.
June 10, 2014, at 10:16 PM by -
March 10, 2014, at 06:11 PM by -
Changed lines 5-6 from:
coming soon
The ProZync Demo lets you sync 5 table occurrences with up to 10 mobile devices for two weeks. You may sync up to 50 fields per table.

Learn more about the demo here: [[http://www.seedcode.com/gozyncdemo/ | Demo Details]]

Changed lines 11-14 from:
coming soon

redirect to here from /gozyncdemo
After your two week demo ends–or as soon as you need more table occurrences or devices–you can purchase a ProZync license for as many devices as you need. All you have to do is enter that license code into GoZyncLicense and keep syncing; there is no need to reintegrate a new copy of GoZync into your files.
March 03, 2014, at 10:59 PM by -
Added lines 10-12:

redirect to here from /gozyncdemo
March 03, 2014, at 10:53 PM by -
Added lines 1-9:
(:title Demoing GoZync:)

!! What are the demo limitations?

coming soon

!! Options once the demo expires

coming soon
[email protected]
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