
Editing Records

Can I edit records with GoZync instead of just making new ones?

It’s your decision if you’re just making new records on the iPad or editing records you bring down from FileMaker Pro.

When GoZync sends records back up to the server, the records are placed in our intermediate file. GoZync then "exlodes" the record into variables that GoZync scripts use to add or edit records. Because this data is presented in variables-- and moved into your records using simple SetField() commands, you can easily modify how GoZync works, editing records in only some cases, sending email notifications, running your own scripts, etc.

The main lever here is the primary key in your table. If the record you've pushed up to inbox contains a primary key that is already in your hosted/served file, GoZync will edit that record. If it hasn't seen the primary key before, it will make a new record.

(The same thing happens when you bring a record down on to the mobile device.)

Learn more about managing your primary keys.

And find out how GoZync handles conflicts.

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