From SeedCode Documentation

SeedCodeCalendar12: YourFile

Do I need to do anything special to get my file ready for SeedCode Calendar?

Not really. You'll be pasting the calendar into your file, and importing a number of scripts, but that is all described in our integration article.

There are, however, a couple things to keep in mind about your file: things that could stop the calendar from working properly if not addressed.

File Name. You can't have a period in your file name (the dot before fp7 in the file name is fine, but something like is not).

Privilege Sets. If you've done a lot of work customizing the privilege sets in your file, you may have "any new table" set to be pretty restrictive. You'll be adding three new tables when you integrate the calendar and your users will need to be able to add, edit, and delete records in all three (these are just interface tables-- there is no data there). So if you think this applies to you, then you already know what to do after you create the new tables.

You'll also want to make sure that the layouts you create are accessible to each of your privilege sets: check the same thing for value lists and scripts.

Layout Names. FileMaker really can't distinguish between layouts of the same name when importing scripts, so take a look at your solution and rename any of your layouts (at least until your done importing calendar scripts) that have the same names as the layouts you'll be pasting in from SeedCode Calendar:

Calendar Home
Calendar - no Side Menu
Calendar - Small
Calendar - Small - no Side Menu
Event List
Event Details
Event Details Web
Repeat Options
Assign Colors
Source No 1
Source No 2
Calendar Records
Calendar Color Records

Layout & Script Folders FileMaker also fails to distinguish between the names of layout folders and the names of actual layouts. So if you create a layout folder named "calendar", many of our navigation routines will fail as FileMaker tries to go to the "calendar" layout which would actually be a layout folder. Scripts aren't as bad but script folders can cause imported scripts to be renamed if they share the same name.

So, don't make any generic layout or script folder names that might conflict with names already in use in the calendar. If you want to put all the calendar layouts in a folder, call the folder "Calendar Layouts" instead of "Calendar".

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Page last modified on February 25, 2013, at 04:09 AM