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FMP6 - Repeating Invoice Lines?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:09 am
by Frustrated
I have designed a relational DB - I have a customer DB; address DB; Invoice DB; Invoice Lines DB; and an Invoice Pmt DB.

I am now trying to create a layout that will print the invoice with many line items. The two databases are linked via an InvoiceID. I would like to display all of the records in the InvoiceLineDB with a given InvioceID. However, I am only getting the first record in the InvoiceLineDB.

Do I need to write a script that will loop through all of the records in the InvoiceLineDB and create my own list?

Any suggestions greatly appricated!!


PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:49 am
by John Sindelar
(I moved this from Custom Functions to our General Support Forum. - js)

The trick is, you want to build the layout in the InvoiceLineDB. Information from the invoice file will appear in the Title Header part of the layout (or in a subsummary part sorted by Invoice ID) while the information about each line item will appear in the body part of the layout. You can then conclude your layout, if you wish, with a Trailing Grand Summary or second sub summary part that contains more invoice information.

In this way the invoice information prints once (in the Title Header or Sub Summary) while the invoice line information prints once for each line on the invoice.

The difference between using a Title Header and a subsummary sorted by Invoice ID is that the header method is simpler but it will only let you print one invoice at a time. The subsummary can appear once for every invoice in a found set of invoice lines, allowing you to print multiple invoices at a time.

The title header layout is a good way to get started; you can always change it to a subsummary later.