GTRR from a portal in a popup window

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Joined: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:58 am
Location: Salinas, California
PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:28 am
Perhaps someone can assist her, Ive been at this for a good 8 - 10 hours and am at the end of my rope...

I have a "Client" table and a self join to "Client 2" using ID_Client (number)

I call a script "Client - Find Client" (in "Client" to create a popup):

Allow User Abort [ Off ]

New Window [ Name: "Find Client"; Height: 485 // Content height of mini window to be opened
+ ( Get ( WindowHeight ) - Get ( WindowContentHeight ) ); Width: 339 // Content width of mini window to be opened
+ ( Get ( WindowWidth ) - Get ( WindowContentWidth ) ); Top: Let ( [
n = 485 // Height of mini window to be opened
+ ( Get ( WindowHeight ) - Get ( WindowContentHeight ) )
] ; Get ( WindowTop ) + ( ( Get ( WindowHeight ) - n ) / 2 ) ); Left: Let ( [ n = 769 // Width of mini window to be opened
+ ( Get ( WindowWidth ) - Get ( WindowContentWidth ) )
] ; Get ( WindowLeft ) + ( ( Get ( WindowWidth ) - n ) / 2 ) ) ]

Go to Layout [ “Client Find - PopUp” (Clients 2) ]
Show/Hide Status Area [ Hide ]
Set Zoom Level [ Lock; 100% ]
Adjust Window [ Resize to Fit ]
Pause/Resume Script [ Indefinitely ]

--end script--

All the previous works just fine;

I have a portal in the pop-up window “Client Find - PopUp”

A Portal is defined to show related records from "Client"

OK, so far so good and everything works.

I have a button defined to GTRR in Client "GTRR - Clients | Clients"

Go to Related Record [ From table: “Clients”; Using layout: “Clients” (Clients) ]
Go to Layout [ “Clients” (Clients) ]
//Close Window [ Name: "Client Find - Popup"; Current file ]
Close Window [ Current Window ]
-- End Script--

When I run the GTTR script from a portal row, I am returned to "Client", and I am not returned to the related record that I chose. In addition there is now a "Script" Continue" button active.

If I remove the "Close Window [ Current Window ]" script step, I get a NEW window with the correct record showing...

Here is the rub, besides this does not work and I can't figure out why, If I remove the popup window and just call a layout, everything works.

What is it about the popup that stops the GTRR from working or am I just not seeing what's in front of my face.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:10 am
Hi Ned,

Well I believe the "Continue" button is active because of the options on the button doing the GTRR in your pop-up window. It is an option of the button to Pause, Exit, or Continue the currently running script (if any). I believe yours is set to Pause where you want it to Continue.

When it comes to the found set issue I think the key concept here is that each window can have its own found set. So, when you create a found set in your pop-up window, that doesn't change the found set (or current record) in your original client window. (This is why everything is OK until you close the pop-up window.)

A couple options here. One would be to close the "original" window after your GTRR finds the right client, then rename the pop-uo window from "Find Client" to whatever your original window was named. May be some window sizing and positioning issues there, but it works. Another approach would be to grab the desired client's ID from the Find Client portal, close the pop-up window, and script a "Find" for the client in your original window.
John Sindelar

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