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Calendar navigation slow

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2020 6:23 pm
by jffortier

FMS16 Win2012,

I notice a strange behaviour today, for no apparent reason the calendar refresh, or go to next day/week take way more time to load and I have a coffee mug for 30-60 sec, instead of the normal 5-10 sec. The slowdown is on all workstation.

On the server I have this "user" created by PSOS I presume.

Yes there's a tiny image under :)


I can't disconnect this user/process on the server, I had to stop the service, maybe not related but after I restart I have an error with script engine, FMS did not open any DB. Reboot server.

Everything is back to normal.

Any idea ?

Re: Calendar navigation slow

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2020 9:15 am
by kcembrey
Hi jffortier,

It sounds like something definitely went wrong with the FileMaker scripting engine. Likely, since PSOS wasn't available, the queries were being processed on the client end, which could be why they were taking longer.

Usually, restarting the scripting engine can fix this, but fully restarting the computer also accomplishes that. It's probably not something to be too concerned about unless it keeps happening. Then it might be worth troubleshooting why the scripting engine is crashing.
