Using the IWP Module in FileMaker 9

Support, Questions and Suggestions for the FM7 Version of CC Calendar.
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Thu May 15, 2008 12:47 pm
The IWP module for our older calendar requires a small change in order to look nice in FileMaker 9. Without this change you'll see a small question mark in the upper left of some days on the "rich" month view.

Find the field "CalDayBackgroundDisplayCalc1" in the Calendar table of the IWP module. Change the end of this calc so there is a "; 2" before the last uncommented parentheses. This changes the calc from this:

Code: Select all
Let ([
GetRepetition ( Interface::IntDayBackgroundGlobRept ;
Case (
d = CalFilterDateGlob ; 4 ;
d = Get ( CurrentDate ) ; 3 ;
Month ( d )  ≠  Month ( CalFilterDateGlob ) ; 1 )
) // Get
) // Let

To this:

Code: Select all
Let ([
GetRepetition ( Interface::IntDayBackgroundGlobRept ;
Case (
d = CalFilterDateGlob ; 4 ;
d = Get ( CurrentDate ) ; 3 ;
Month ( d )  ≠  Month ( CalFilterDateGlob ) ; 1 ; 2 )
) // Get
) // Let

Make this change at the end of all 42 fields that begin ""CalDayBackgroundDisplayCalc..."

That's it!
John Sindelar

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