

ProMaps.GeoCoding History

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May 19, 2023, at 04:53 PM by -
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July 03, 2019, at 10:49 PM by KC Embrey - Updated note on limits/cost
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Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations. If you do sign up for an API you can add this to ProMaps on the Settings tab, in the "General Settings" section.


Note: See the documentation here for details on Google's new pricing for requests to the Google Geocoding API:

February 28, 2019, at 09:36 PM by KC Embrey - Added info on geocoding empty properties with Apply Settings button
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When clicking the "Apply Settings to Map" button in the settings layouts, ProMaps will automatically search for any properties without a geocode value and attempt to re-geocode them. This can be great to use after importing new property records.
August 09, 2018, at 08:55 PM by -
August 09, 2018, at 08:55 PM by -
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Finally, ProMaps comes with a script that will geocode all the properties in your file (subject to the limit below). To use this, navigate to the Properties Detail layout (or any layout in your file based on the Properties table which has the gm-GeoLocation field on it with an object name of "field_geoLocation") and then check out and run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties".
Finally, ProMaps comes with a script that will geocode all the properties in your file (subject to the limit below). To use this, navigate to the Properties Detail layout (or any layout in your file based on the Properties table which has the gm-GeoLocation field on it with an object name of "field_geoLocation" shown below) and then check out and run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties".

August 09, 2018, at 07:41 PM by -
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Finally, ProMaps comes with a script that will geocode all the properties in your file (subject to the limit below). To use this, navigate to any layout in your file based on the Properties table and then check out and run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties".
Finally, ProMaps comes with a script that will geocode all the properties in your file (subject to the limit below). To use this, navigate to the Properties Detail layout (or any layout in your file based on the Properties table which has the gm-GeoLocation field on it with an object name of "field_geoLocation") and then check out and run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties".
May 14, 2018, at 08:13 PM by -
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Do I have to GeoCode my addresses to use ProMaps?


(:title Geocoding:)

Do I have to Geocode my addresses to use ProMaps?

May 13, 2018, at 01:28 AM by -
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Updating a record's geocode when you're on site

Using the location function in FileMaker Go you can update a record's lat/long using the current location of your iPad or iPhone. Here's a video of this in action along with scripts you can paste into ProMaps to update the location when you take a picture of a location: Geolocation in FileMaker Go: Examples.

October 16, 2017, at 04:40 AM by KC Embrey - Updated layout script trigger info
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ProMaps will also re-geocode an address if you've edited the record, as part of the script "Property On Record Commit", which we have running on commit as part of the layout level script triggers.
ProMaps will also re-geocode an address if you've edited the record, as part of the script "Property On Layout Exit", which we have running on layout exit as part of the layout level script triggers.
October 16, 2017, at 04:39 AM by KC Embrey - Removed old text that was rewritten, but not deleted
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Be sure you give your copy of the "gm_GeoLocation" field an object name of "field_geoLocation" so our script can properly reference that field. For more, see step 5 (Add Geo Code Lookup To Your File) in our integration instructions.

When does ProMaps geocode my address

We start on the hosted file, when events are created or edited...

This is done in the script "GeoCodeAddress (address, tempObjectName, resultFieldName)" which is currently called from script triggers on the address fields in ProMapsHosted. You can do the same in your file, or periodically run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties", perhaps from a server-side script.
August 16, 2016, at 02:14 AM by -
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Nope. ProMaps/ProMaps will do it for you.


Nope. ProMaps will do it for you.

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Then we do it on the mobile file if we have to...

Every time we compile the map using the script "Compile Map Data And Settings" we check to see if the event has been geocoded as part of the script "Check Property Integrity". So if something goes wrong on your hosted file, we'll try and correct the geocoding. This "Compile Map Data And Settings" script runs as part of the sync, which is one reason we like to run ProMaps synced instead of live. (This is also the script run from the buttons at the bottom of the "setup" layouts in ProMaps.)
We'll also re-geocode an address if you've edited the record, as part of the script "Property On Record Commit", which we have running on commit as part of the layout level script triggers.

Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations.

ProMaps will also re-geocode an address if you've edited the record, as part of the script "Property On Record Commit", which we have running on commit as part of the layout level script triggers.
Finally, ProMaps comes with a script that will geocode all the properties in your file (subject to the limit below). To use this, navigate to any layout in your file based on the Properties table and then check out and run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties".

Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations. If you do sign up for an API you can add this to ProMaps on the Settings tab, in the "General Settings" section.

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"�" ; ","


"¶" ; ","

June 20, 2014, at 05:27 PM by -
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Nope. ProMaps will do it for you.


Nope. ProMaps/ProMaps will do it for you.

Added lines 9-13:

When does ProMaps geocode my address

This is done in the script "GeoCodeAddress (address, tempObjectName, resultFieldName)" which is currently called from script triggers on the address fields on the "Properties Detail" layout. You can do the same in your file. We also include a script called "GeoCodeAddress For ProMaps" that will manually geocode the address for the record you are on. This script references the address fields in ProMaps so if you have different address fields make sure and edit the script to reference those new fields.
Be sure you give your copy of the "gm_GeoLocation" field an object name of "field_geoLocation" so our script can properly reference that field. For more, see step 5 (Add Geo Code Lookup To Your File) in our integration instructions.
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April 02, 2014, at 12:42 AM by -
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1. You'll still create a field called "gm_GeoLocation" field and give it an object name of "field_geoLocation". (See step 5 "Add Geo Code Lookup To Your File" in our integration instrucions.)

2. Make sure your Lat/Long is in the form Map expects, like: "47.6821060,-122.3085170" without the quotes.

3. Turn off the geocoding script by editing the script "GeoCodeAddress (address, tempObjectName, resultFieldName)" and placing an ExitScript step as the first line. Also disable the script "Check Property Integrity" the same way and now it's up to you to make sure you have a Lat/Long for every record =)

1. You'll still create a field called "gm_GeoLocation" field and give it an object name of "field_geoLocation". (See step 5 "Add Geo Code Lookup To Your File" in our integration instrucions.)
2. Make sure your Lat/Long is in the form Map expects, like: "47.6821060,-122.3085170" without the quotes.
3. Turn off the geocoding script by editing the script "GeoCodeAddress (address, tempObjectName, resultFieldName)" and placing an ExitScript step as the first line. Also disable the script "Check Property Integrity" the same way and now it's up to you to make sure you have a Lat/Long for every record =)

If your Lat and Long are in two separate fields, change the "gm_geoCode" field in the properties table to an auto enter calc. The contents of the calc should be text and would look like this...

Substitute ( List ( YourLat; YourLong ); "�" ; "," )

March 24, 2014, at 03:26 PM by -
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Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations.


Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations.

What if I already have a Latitude and Longitude for my records?

In that case you don't need our script to geocode them. Just do three things:

1. You'll still create a field called "gm_GeoLocation" field and give it an object name of "field_geoLocation". (See step 5 "Add Geo Code Lookup To Your File" in our integration instrucions.)

2. Make sure your Lat/Long is in the form Map expects, like: "47.6821060,-122.3085170" without the quotes.

3. Turn off the geocoding script by editing the script "GeoCodeAddress (address, tempObjectName, resultFieldName)" and placing an ExitScript step as the first line. Also disable the script "Check Property Integrity" the same way and now it's up to you to make sure you have a Lat/Long for every record =)

April 14, 2013, at 02:58 PM by -
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Be sure you give your copy of the "gm_GeoLocation" field an object name of "field_geoLocation" so our script can properly reference that field.

Be sure you give your copy of the "gm_GeoLocation" field an object name of "field_geoLocation" so our script can properly reference that field. For more, see step 5 (Add Geo Code Lookup To Your File) in our integration instructions.
April 14, 2013, at 02:57 PM by -
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Be sure you give your copy of the "gm_GeoLocation" field an object name of "field_geoLocation" so our script can properly reference that field.

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Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations.


Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations.

April 10, 2013, at 09:30 PM by -
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We start on the hosted file, when events are created or edited.


We start on the hosted file, when events are created or edited...

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Then we do it on the mobile file if we have to.


Then we do it on the mobile file if we have to...

April 10, 2013, at 09:25 PM by -
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Please note: The Google geocoding service is limited to 2500 geocode requests per day from your device. You can increase this limit by signing up for Google Maps API for Business. This is a paid service from Google that is used for customers with large user bases and heavy traffic. This should not be needed in most situations.

April 10, 2013, at 09:15 PM by -
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No. ProMaps will do it for you.


Nope. ProMaps will do it for you.

What the heck is a geocode?

Under the hood, Google Maps uses Lat/Long for plotting addresses, so ProMaps converts your addresses into Lat/Long. This process is called geocoding. ProMaps uses the Google Maps geocoding API:

Changed lines 11-15 from:
 > > Good question

What the heck is a geocode?

Under the hood, Google Maps uses Lat/Long for plotting addresses, so ProMaps converts your addresses into Lat/Long. This process is called geocoding. ProMaps uses the Google Maps geocoding API:


We start on the hosted file, when events are created or edited.

This is done in the script "GeoCodeAddress (address, tempObjectName, resultFieldName)" which is currently called from script triggers on the address fields in ProMapsHosted. You can do the same in your file, or periodically run the script "Re-GeoCode All Properties", perhaps from a server-side script.

Then we do it on the mobile file if we have to.

Every time we compile the map using the script "Compile Map Data And Settings" we check to see if the event has been geocoded as part of the script "Check Property Integrity". So if something goes wrong on your hosted file, we'll try and correct the geocoding. This "Compile Map Data And Settings" script runs as part of the sync, which is one reason we like to run ProMaps synced instead of live. (This is also the script run from the buttons at the bottom of the "setup" layouts in ProMaps.)
We'll also re-geocode an address if you've edited the record, as part of the script "Property On Record Commit", which we have running on commit as part of the layout level script triggers.
March 16, 2013, at 11:05 PM by -
Added lines 1-11:

Do I have to GeoCode my addresses to use ProMaps?

No. ProMaps will do it for you.

When does ProMaps geocode my address

 > > Good question

What the heck is a geocode?

Under the hood, Google Maps uses Lat/Long for plotting addresses, so ProMaps converts your addresses into Lat/Long. This process is called geocoding. ProMaps uses the Google Maps geocoding API:

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