Phases on Calendar

Support for our integrated Contact Manager, Calendar, and Project Tracker.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:49 am
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:57 am
I'm new to using the SeedCode calendar and Gnatt. I've read the explanations about phases and activities posted here, but I'm not understanding the exact relationship.

If I have a project that has several phases to it, and I enter the beginning dates and times for each phase, why do they not appear on the daily / weekly, etc. calendars? I see the swith to show them on Gnatt, but I need to schedule workers every day - and completing those phases should be shown as needing to be done.

Can you explain the function phases, if they aren't going to appear on a scheduling calendar?

SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:29 am
Hi Jodie,

Those dates that you're creating are records in the Activity section of the calendar and they are defaulting to Show on Gantt, as you've noticed, but not to show on the calendar.

It is easy enough to make them show on the calendar by default, simply edit the auto-enter definition for the field "ApptClass_k" in the Appointments table. Change it from this:

Code: Select all
Lower (
SeedCode_RemoveExtraReturns (

If ( ApptProjectOverview_k = 1 ;

// #### If this is a project overview...

Substitute ( ApptClass_k ; "gantt" ; "" ) & ¶ & "gantt" ;

// #### ortherwise leave the class alone...


) // End IF
) // End CCRemoveExtraReturns
) // End Lower

to this:

Code: Select all
Lower (
SeedCode_RemoveExtraReturns (

If ( ApptProjectOverview_k = 1 ;

// #### If this is a project overview...

Substitute ( ApptClass_k ; "gantt" ; "" ) & ¶ & "gantt" & ¶ &
Substitute ( ApptClass_k ; "calendar" ; "" ) & ¶ & "calendar" & ¶

// #### ortherwise leave the class alone...


) // End IF
) // End CCRemoveExtraReturns
) // End Lower

The reason we originally had it leaving these off the calendar was the idea that the specific phase itself didn't need to be on the calendar, rather, specific actions or deadlines within that phase would be on the calendar.

In this view the overview dates would only be on the gantt chart, but you'd create activities for each phase that would be on BOTH the calendar and gantt chart.

But, if you want the phase itself to be on the calendar, the change above will get you there.

Hope that helps,
John Sindelar
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Feb 19, 2007 9:49 am
PostPosted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 10:38 am
Excellent! Thanks so much for the fast and informative reply.

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