display options for double bookings

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Posts: 7
Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2012 7:23 pm
PostPosted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 8:27 pm
In day view we see a double booking marked by a red flag and the first booking is displayed. Can we display the other bookings?
SeedCode Staff
SeedCode Staff
Posts: 2764
Joined: Thu Nov 20, 2003 11:01 am
PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 7:39 am
We can't show the overlapping events side-by-side as you might see in iCal, but you do have a couple of other options.

- Using then simple view (you can change this on the settings tab of the left-hand side bar) will show all the events in a more traditional list so they don't overlap.

- And if the events belong to different resources you can switch to the Schedule view which will show those for each resource in its own column.

- Lastly, clicking on a event will bring up it along with any events that overlap the time you clicked on.

Hope that helps,

John Sindelar

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